I recently discovered an interesting Web site called Killer Startups. Their basic idea is to function as a social community for the startup space. Or, in other words, they are like Digg but totally focused on startups.
Entrepreneurs can submit their startups to the site. You submit a link to your site and your elevator pitch. The Killer Startups guys posit some questions and analyze why the startup might be a killer. And the users of the sites give votes to the startups.
Interestingly, there are four Israeli-based companies in the list of Top 10 Killers: SuTree, 5Min, MatchMyPet.com, and G.ho.st.
This could possibly be a good source of deal flow.
Is this interesting you in investing terms or just because it is a good source to information?
Posted by: dana | May 14, 2007 at 12:10 PM