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January 14, 2010


Tal keinan

Thanks guys for the support. Please let me know if you are having any issues:
BTW: do know that you can customize headup behavior by backoffice at http://mint1.headup.com/Services/Backoffice/


Yo @shaister,

Thanks for the props.
BTW Earlier today I published an interview with J-Ent pioneer Dennis Amith, who recently adopted our widget as well. Check it out: http://blog.headup.com/2010/01/a-chat-with-dennis-amith-the-j-ent-blogger-whos-career-precedes-the-web

Mike : )
@pop_art | @headup

NFL shop

This is a very tough thing to go through but one thing about living in the Sisters area

baseball hats

This is a very tough thing to go through

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